- 28 Mar 2025
33rd POP Webinar - ZeroSum: User Space Utility for Monitoring Process, Thread, OS and HW Resources, including GPU Utilization
In this live webinar, Kevin Huck (University of Oregon) will introduce ZeroSum, a user space utility for monitoring process, thread, OS and HW resources, including GPU utilization.
- 18 Feb 2025
32nd POP Webinar - OpenMP 6.0 Part 2: New Device Offloading Features
In this live webinar, Christian Terboven (RWTH) and Michael Klemm (AMD) will delve into the exciting new features and enhancements in OpenMP 6.0. In the second part participants will provide a comprehensive overview of the latest advancements in device offloading features.
- 19 Dec 2024
31st POP Webinar - OpenMP 6.0 Part 1: New Host-side Features and Enhancements
In this live webinar, Christian Terboven (RWTH) and Michael Klemm (AMD) will delve into the exciting new features and enhancements in OpenMP 6.0. In the first part participants will gain a comprehensive overview of the latest advancements in Host-side parallel programming with OpenMP. The second part of the webinar in February 2025 will feature new OpenMP 6.0 device offloading features.
- 17 - 22 Nov 2024
POP @ SC24
Visit our experts at the research exhibition booths of BSC (#3549), HLRS (#2231), IT4I (#4233) or JSC (#1443) at the SC24 conference.
- 11 Nov 2024
30th POP Webinar - ChEESE and POP: a Story of Success and Fruitful Interaction
In this live webinar, Arnau Folch (GEO3BCN-CSIC) and Piero Lanucara (CINECA) will first provide a brief introduction to ChEESE-2P and the main objectives of the project. Then, WP2 and its methodology towards Exascale (and particularly the interaction with POP3) will be discussed. The webinar will close with a success story, the performance enhancements of the SPECFEM3D flagship code.
- 22 Oct 2024
29th POP Webinar - Assessing CPU Code Quality
In this live webinar, William Jalby (UVSQ) will first demonstrate MAQAO capabilities to assess code quality and detail strategies to make comparative studies between different compilers and compiler settings. Then we will show how these comparative studies can be used to “transfer” optimizations between compilers. These MAQAO capabilities will be illustrated through real code examples.
- 4 - 6 Sep 2024
POP 46th VI-HPS Tuning Workshop
POP experts will give an overview of the VI-HPS programming tools suite, explain the functionality of individual tools, and how to use them effectively, and offer hands-on experience and expert assistance using the tools at the 46th VI-HPS Tuning Workshop. The workshop will take place at IT4I, Ostrava, Czech Republic (online participation will also be possible). The workshop is organised in collaboration with NCC Austria, NCC Czechia, NCC Hungary, NCC Poland, NCC Slovakia and the POP CoE.
- 5 Sep 2024
28th POP Webinar - The CARM Tool: Cache-aware Roofline Model for HPC
In this live webinar, José Morgado (INESC-ID) will present the Cache-aware Roofline Model (CARM) which offers effective guidance by providing insights into bottlenecks that limit the application’s ability to reach the system’s maximum performance. Additionally, this webinar will include a live demonstration of the capabilities of this tool including a short tutorial of its usage.
- 10 - 13 Jun 2024
POP 45th VI-HPS Tuning Workshop
POP experts will give an overview of the VI-HPS programming tools suite, explain the functionality of individual tools, and how to use them effectively, and offer hands-on experience and expert assistance using the tools at the 45th VI-HPS Tuning Workshop. The workshop will take place at LRZ, Leibniz Supercomputing Centre on the university campus Garching near Munich, Germany.
- 30 Apr 2024
27th POP Webinar - Performance Analysis of OpenMP Target Offloading in Score-P
In this live webinar, Jan Andre Reuter (JSC) will present first results in adding support for OpenMP offloading to our instrumentation and measurement infrastructure Score-P using the OpenMP Tools Interface.
- 20 - 23 May 2024
POP @ HPCSE 2024
POP partner IT4I will present a POP poster at the High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering 2024 conference (HPCSE 2024).
- 12 - 16 May 2024
POP @ ISC High Performance 2024
Visit our experts at the research exhibition booths of BSC (#L30), IT4I (#J22) or JSC/HLRS (#K02) at the ISC High Performance 2024 conference. On May 12, POP experts also contribute to the ISC tutorials “Determining Parallel Application Execution Efficiency and Scaling using the POP Methodology” (BSC, JSC) and “Continuous Correctness Checking for HPC Applications” (RWTH). Finally, on May 16, POP organizes the workshop “First International Workshop on Readiness of HPC Extreme-scale Applications”.
- 4 Apr - 9 May 2024
POP @ Durham Performance Analysis Workshop Series 2024
POP experts from BSC, JSC and UVSQ are contributing to the Performance Analysis Workshop Series 2024 at the DiRAC HPC facility of Rurham University. The workshop series offers a comprehensive introduction to a selection of open source tools that enable researchers to assess the performance behaviour of their code.
- 30 Apr 2024
26th POP Webinar - Asynchronous GPU Programming in OpenMP
In this live webinar, Christian Terboven (RWYH Aachen) and Michael Klemm (AMD) will present OpenMP's support for asynchronous kernel offloading and explain how to use it. In addition, they will show how OpenMP supports the combination with GPU-native programming models.
- 18 - 21 Mar 2024
POP @ EuroHPC Summit 2024
Various POP partners will participate in the EuroHPC Summit 2024. Ondřej Vysocký (IT4I) will speak in the session " How Does One Define an "Energy Efficient" HPC System? From Data to Action". Bernd Mohr (JSC) will present the POP3 in the Poster session Tuesday afternoon. Finally, Brian Wylie (JSC) will represent POP3 in the European HPC NCCs and CoEs Workshop.
- 26 Feb - 1 Mar 2024
POP 44th VI-HPS Tuning Workshop
POP experts will give an overview of the VI-HPS programming tools suite, explain the functionality of individual tools, and how to use them effectively, and offer hands-on experience and expert assistance using the tools at the 44th VI-HPS Tuning Workshop. The workshop will take place both in RWTH Aachen and in TU Dresden. Remote participation will also be possible.
- 29 Jan - 1 Feb 2024
POP 43rd VI-HPS Tuning Workshop
POP experts will give an overview of the VI-HPS programming tools suite, explain the functionality of individual tools, and how to use them effectively, and offer hands-on experience and expert assistance using the tools at the 43rd VI-HPS Tuning Workshop. The workshop will take place at the CALMIP Mesocentre, Espace Clément Ader, 3, rue Caroline Aigle, 31400 Toulouse, France.
- 14 Jun 2022
25th POP Webinar - Six and a half Years of POP CoE: What Remains?
In this live webinar, project coordinator Jesús Labarta from BSC will give an overview of the achievements of the project, discuss its impact, and provide lessons learned after running the POP CoE for six and a half year.
- 17 - 19 May 2022
Training on POP performance analysis, methodology and tools by and for women in HPC
An all-female team of POP experts will provide this training workshop. It will give an overview of the POP CoE methodology, explain the functionality of POP performance tools, and how to use them effectively, as well as offer hands-on experience and expert assistance using the tools in your own application or provided examples and benchmarks. The workshop will be held online using the zoom platform.
- 7 - 11 Feb 2022
POP 41st VI-HPS Tuning Workshop
POP experts will give an overview of the VI-HPS programming tools suite, explain the functionality of individual tools, and how to use them effectively, and offer hands-on experience and expert assistance using the tools at the 41th VI-HPS Tuning Workshop at JSC/RWTH Aachen, Germany. The workshop will be held online bsed on the Zoom platform.
- 15 Dec 2021
POP Performance Analysis Methodology Workshop
This 3-hour virtual workshop aims to give a solid understanding of the basics of performance analysis for research and simulation codes, using high- and low-level metrics. It is organized in collaboration with the Computer Science Department and Advanced Research Computing, Durham University, DiRAC and N8 CIR.
- 10 Dec 2021
24th POP Webinar - Resources for Co-Design
In this live webinar, Xavier Teruel (BSC) will present the main motivation behind the development of the POP 'Resources for Co-Design" website and explain how to effectively navigate through the different resources for co-design available there.
- 14-19 Nov 2021
POP @ SC21
POP experts will present three tutorials and two workshop papers at the annual SC 2021 conference in St. Louis. For details see the Events page.
- 25-29 Oct 2021
POP @ NAFEMS World Congress 2021
POP will be sharing a booth (#9) with the Excellerat CoE at the NAFEMS World Congress 2021. More information can be found here. There will be a presentation from a POP Analyst to watch out for too: in Session C9 HPC 2, on Oct 26th at 17:35 (CEST), Federico Panichi will present “Improving the Performance of Engineering Codes”
- 17 Sep 2021
23rd POP User Webinar - POP: The SME Perspective
In this live webinar, three speakers from SMEs who have worked, or are currently working, with POP will describe the business they are in, the importance of HPC to it and what they have gained from their relationship with the POP service.
- 28 Jul 2021
22nd POP Webinar - Introduction to Paraver
In this live webinar, Jesus Labarta (BSC) will describe the fundamentals behind Paraver, explaining how to navigate and interpret the displays as well as how to derive new views to pinpoint specific effects and use them in cooperative analyses.
- 7 - 8 Jul 2021
PASC21 Minisymposium Performance Optimisation and Productivity for EU HPC Centres of Excellence
POP is organising a two-part minisymposium "Performance Optimisation and Productivity for EU HPC Centres of Excellence (and other European parallel application developers preparing for exascale)" as part of the PASC21 Platform for Advanced Scientific Computing conference which will be held 5-9 July as a digital event this year.
- 24 - 25 Jun 2021
ISC High Performance 2021 Digital Tutorials
Various POP partners present tutorials at the ISC High Performance 2021 conference:
• Determining Parallel Application Execution Efficiency and Scaling using the POP Methodology (BSC, JSC)
• Mastering Tasking with OpenMP (BSC, RWTH)
• Hands-on Practical Hybrid Parallel Application Performance Engineering (JSC)
• Introduction to HPC: Applications, Systems, and Programming Models (JSC) - 14 - 18 Jun 2021
POP 40th VI-HPS Tuning Workshop
POP experts will give an overview of the VI-HPS programming tools suite, explain the functionality of individual tools, and how to use them effectively, and offer hands-on experience and expert assistance using the tools at the 40th VI-HPS Tuning Workshop at LRZ, Germany. The workshop will be held online.
- 27 May 2021
21st POP Webinar - The Scalasca Scalable Parallel Performance Analysis Toolset - For POP Assessments and Beyond
In this live webinar, Bernd Mohr (JSC) will introduce the design of the Scalasca tool framework and how it can be used to analyze the performance of parallel applications even on extreme-scale HPC systems. It will also describe the enhancements done to the tool components during the POP project, which greatly simplify its usage for performance assessments based on the POP Standard Metrics for Performance Analysis of Hybrid Parallel Applications.
- until 29 Apr 2021
POP x Flight Program
POP CoE and Alces Flight have come together to offer a free, six-month integrated performance optimisation and cloud migration program. If you are ready to take the next step in optimising and running your application on cloud then apply here!
- 19 - 21 Apr 2021
POP Performance Analysis, Methodology and Tools for Women and Underrepresented Groups in the HPC Community
An all-female team of POP experts will provide this training workshop. It will give an overview of the POP CoE methodology, explain the functionality of POP performance tools, and how to use them effectively, as well as offer hands-on experience and expert assistance using the tools in your own application or provided examples and benchmarks. The workshop will be held online using the zoom platform.
- 26 Mar 2021
20th POP Webinar - Debugging Tools for Correctness Analysis of MPI and OpenMP Applications
In this live webinar, Joachim Protze (RWTH Aachen) will presents two runtime correctness analysis tools for MPI (MUST) and OpenMP (Archer), freely available under open-source licenses, which allow analysis even during large-scale execution.
- 1 - 3 Mar 2021
POP 38th VI-HPS Tuning Workshop
POP experts will give an overview of the VI-HPS programming tools suite, explain the functionality of individual tools, and how to use them effectively, and offer hands-on experience and expert assistance using the tools at the 38th VI-HPS Tuning Workshop at FAU Erlangen, Germany. The workshop will be held online.
- 27 Jan 2021
19th POP Webinar - Identifying Performance Bottlenecks in Hybrid MPI + OpenMP Software
In this live webinar, Judit Giménez (BSC) and Jonathan Boyle (NAG) will describes two complimentary sets of metrics which can be used to identify performance bottlenecks in hybrid MPI + OpenMP software
- 7 - 11 Dec 2020
POP 37th VI-HPS Tuning Workshop
POP experts will give an overview of the VI-HPS programming tools suite, explain the functionality of individual tools, and how to use them effectively, and offer hands-on experience and expert assistance using the tools at the 37th VI-HPS Tuning Workshop at Frankfurt, Germany. The workshop will be held online.
- 30 Nov - 4 Dec 2020
POP will have a virtual booth at the 36th International CAE Conference and Exhibition (CAE2020).
- 27 Nov 2020
18th POP Webinar - PyPOP - An Interactive Tool for Performance Assessment
In this live webinar, Phil Tooley (NAG) will give an overview of the NAG PyPOP tool and how it can be used to streamline the process of application performance analysis. He will demonstrate the PyPOP analysis workflow, showing how the PyPOP wizard can be used to quickly calculate the POP metrics from captured profiling data and generate a performance report.
- 25-26 Nov 2020
Conférence Régionale NAFEMS France
Samir Ben Chaabane (Teratec) will present "POP: Services and Tools for Improving HPC Applications" (in French) at the Conférence Régionale NAFEMS France .
- 9-10 Nov 2020
The 2020 NAFEMS UK Conference will be covering topics ranging from traditional FEA and CFD, to new and emerging areas including artificial intelligence and machine learning. POP will be an exhibitor at the conference and will be giving the talk “Parallel Engineering Codes: Performance Optimisation with POP Methodology”.
- 16 Oct 2020
SORSE Presentation
Fouzhan Hosseini (NAG) will give a presentation "How to understand and improve the performance of your parallel applications using the POP Methodology" at Series of Online Research Software Events (SORSE).
- 13-14 Oct 2020
TERATEC 2020 Forum
The TERATEC Forum is a major event in France that brings together international experts in HPC, simulation and big data. It welcomes more than 1,300 attendees, highlighting the technological and industrial dynamism of HPC and the essential role that France plays in this field. POP will have a booth at the virtual exhibition in collaboration with POP partner UVSQ.
- 30 Sep - 2 Oct 2020
PATC POP 36th VI-HPS Tuning Workshop
POP experts will give an overview of the VI-HPS programming tools suite, explain the functionality of individual tools, and how to use them effectively, and offer hands-on experience and expert assistance using the tools at the 36th VI-HPS Tuning Workshop at CINECA, Italy. The workshop will be held online.
- 24 Sep 2020
17th POP Guest Webinar - Profiling GPU Applications with Nsight Systems
In this live webinar Mozhgan Kabiri Chimeh (NVIDIA) will give an overview of NVIDIA's Nsight profiling tools. She will explore how to analyze and optimize the performance of GPU-accelerated applications. Working with a real-world example, she will start by identifying high-level bottlenecks, then walk through an analysis-driven process leading to a series of kernel-level optimizations.
- 14-18 Sep 2020
PATC POP 35th VI-HPS Tuning Workshop
POP experts will give an overview of the VI-HPS programming tools suite, explain the functionality of individual tools, and how to use them effectively, and offer hands-on experience and expert assistance using the tools at the 35th VI-HPS Tuning Workshop at HLRS, Germany. This workshop is a PRACE Training Centre (PTC) course. The workshop will be held online, using the Zoom platform.
- 28-30 Jul 2020
PATC POP 34th VI-HPS Tuning Workshop
POP experts will give an overview of the VI-HPS programming tools suite, explain the functionality of individual tools, and how to use them effectively, and offer hands-on experience and expert assistance using the tools at the 34th VI-HPS Tuning Workshop at EPCC, Scotland. This workshop is a PRACE Training Centre (PTC) course. The workshop will be held online, using the Collaborate platform.
- 8 Jul 2020
16th POP Guest Webinar - Inclusive Leadership and Inspiring Action and Innovation
Diversity is now a buzzword that gets attention wherever you go. But actually embarking on a programme to hire and retain diverse talent is not as easy as it first seems! In this live webinar, Dr Toni Collis will discuss why equity, diversity and inclusion and achieving success for your team, innovation and research are not mutually exclusive.
- 15 May 2020
15th POP User Webinar - Addressing Biomedical Challenges with High Performance Computing
In this live webinar, Jon McCullough (University College London) will outline some of CompBioMed's achievements on HPC infrastructure in computational biomedicine. It will also highlight the results of previous interactions between the CompBioMed and POP CoEs and possible avenues for future collaboration.
- 2 Apr 2020
14th POP Webinar - Energy Efficient Computing using Dynamic Tuning
In this live webinar Lubomir Riha (IT4Innovations) will present the MERIC tool designed to improve the energy-efficiency of HPC applications using a methodology of dynamic tuning of HPC applications, developed under the H2020 READEX project. It supports manual or binary instrumentation of the analysed applications to simplify the analysis.
- 23 Jan 2020
13th POP Webinar - Guided Performance Analysis and Optimization using MAQAO
In this live webinar Salah Jäsper Ibnamar (UVSQ) will present the different components of MAQAO and how the tool performs multiple analyses which are later aggregated into graphical performance views and suggestions on the compilation process or the implementation. He will also present how MAQAO predictions of the speed-up to be gained from the suggested optimizations can help developers understand an application's behavior on a target processor architecture.
- 17-22 Nov 2019
Supercomputing Conference, Denver, US
Established in 1988, the annual SC conference continues to grow steadily in size and impact each year. Approximately 5,000 people participate in the technical program, with about 11,000 people overall. You can meet our experts at the research exhibition booth of BSC (#1975), HLRS (#409), IT4I (#2219), JSC (#1563), or NAG (#932).
- 12 Nov 2019
12th POP User Webinar - The Successful Interaction of ChEESE and POP
In this live webinar Claudia Rosas (POP) and Mauricio Hanzich (ChEESE) report on the POP performance assessments of the ChEESE codes at the start of the project. They will look in more detail at one of these, a physical volcanology code called Fall3D and will explain how work conducted within ChEESE, aided by insights provided by the POP assessment, has led to a 10x improvement in scalability in a fairly short period of time.
- 28-29 Oct 2019
International CAE Conference, Vicenza, Italy
POP will make a return visit to this leading Computer Aided Engineering conference, now in its 35th year. We will have a stand in the research agorà, which provides major projects an opportunity to promote their activities and disseminate their results. Here, we will discuss the work of POP and provide live demos of the profiling software we use.
- 25-27 Sep 2019
CompBioMed Conference, London, UK
The CompBioMed conference will address all aspects of the rapidly burgeoning domain of computational biomedicine, from genome through organ to whole human and population levels, embracing data driven, mechanistic modelling and simulation, machine learning and combinations thereof. You can hear all about POP in one of the Friday sessions.
- 17-19 Sep 2019
UK RSE Conference, Birmingham, UK
The UK Research Software Engineering (RSE) conference will focus on software development for the research and academic community. They have a varied talks and workshop programme split across multiple streams.
- 9 Sep 2019
11th POP Guest Webinar - Implementing I/O Best Practices to Improve System Performance with Ellexus
In this live webinar Guest Lecturer Rosemary Francis will explain common I/O problems and best practices to implement easy performance wins. She will outline I/O profiling for improving application performance as well as I/O monitoring for improving HPC system performance through good application deployment.
- 5 July 2019
10th POP Guest Webinar - Software for Linear Algebra Targeting Exascale (SLATE) Project
In this live webinar Guest Lecturer Jack Dongarra will discuss the SLATE Project. SLATE is to provide fundamental dense linear algebra capabilities for today’s high-performance computing (HPC) community. To this end, SLATE will provide basic dense matrix operations (e.g., matrix multiplication, rank-k update, triangular solve), linear systems solvers, least square solvers, singular value and eigenvalue solvers.
- 24-28 June 2019
PATC POP 33rd VI-HPS Tuning Workshop
POP experts will give an overview of the VI-HPS programming tools suite, explain the functionality of individual tools, and how to use them effectively, and offer hands-on experience and expert assistance using the tools at the 33rd VI-HPS Tuning Workshop at the Juelich Supercomputing Centre, Germany. This workshop is a PRACE Training Centre (PTC) course.
- 18-20 June 2019
POP @ ISC High Performance 2019
Visit our experts at the research exhibition booths of BSC (#A-1412) or JSC/HLRS (B-1310) at the ISC High Performance 2019 conference. In addition, Bernd Mohr will introduce the POP CoE and its services at the PACE booth (B-1320) on Wednesday, June 19, at 13:30.
- 11-12 June 2017
POP @ Teratec Forum 2017
POP is taking part in the Exhibition as part of the research booth on "European HPC Centres of Excellence" on June 11 and 12, 2019 as part of the Teratec Forum.
- 21 May 2019
9th POP Webinar -- Exascale Matrix Factorization: Using Supercomputers and Machine Learning for Drug Discovery
This live webinar will present the ExCAPE project, the Bayesian Matrix Factorization techniques used and how the POP CoE gave us crucial insights into the scaling bottlenecks of our code and so helped us remove them. We will also present how the HPC infrastructure and implementations were crucial to giving insights that helped the pharma industry in their drug discovery process.
- 24-26 April 2019
PATC POP 32th VI-HPS Tuning Workshop
POP experts will give an overview of the VI-HPS programming tools suite, explain the functionality of individual tools, and how to use them effectively, and offer hands-on experience and expert assistance using the tools at the 32th VI-HPS Tuning Workshop at the University of Bristol, UK. This workshop is a PRACE Training Centre (PTC) course.
- 12 March 2019
8th POP Webinar -- POP Case Study: 3x Speed Improvement for Zenotech's zCFD Solver
This live webinar will describe the work that POP and Zenotech undertook to investigate the performance of zCFD. An initial Performance Audit using Intel's VTune Amplifier performance profiler identified several areas of potential improvement, which Zenotech went on to address in a POP Proof-of-Concept (PoC) study.
- 21-25 January 2019
PATC POP 30th VI-HPS Tuning Workshop
POP experts will give an overview of the VI-HPS programming tools suite, explain the functionality of individual tools, and how to use them effectively, and offer hands-on experience and expert assistance using the tools at the 30th VI-HPS Tuning Workshop at BSC, Barcelona, Spain. This workshop is a PRACE Training Centre (PTC) course.
- 8-11 January 2019
POP @ E-CAM Extended Software Development Workshop: Scaling Electronic Structure Applications
POP experts support the E-CAM CoE by presenting performance analysis and instrumentation methods and tools including hands-on training at the E-CAM Extended Software Development Workshop: Scaling Electronic Structure Applications in Dublin, Irland.
- 7 June 2018
7th POP Webinar -- Large-Scale Application Execution Performance Assessment
This live webinar will cover understanding the challenges of large-scale application execution, understanding the associated performance measurement and analysis issues, best practice use of the Scalasca toolset, and how it is used with some large-scale application executions.
- 28 March 2018
6th POP Webinar -- Impact of Sequential Performance on Parallel Codes
This live webinar will discuss the impact of sequential performance in parallel codes, present three metrics derived from hardware counter measurements, introduce some advanced analytics, and show examples of the insight this analysis provides.
- 15 March 2018
POP Tutorial on Performance Analysis
POP will present the tutorial "Performance Analysis: An introduction to the tools and performance analysis methodology used in POP CoE" at Supercomputing Frontiers Europe 2018 on Thursday 15th March 2018.
- 1 February 2018
5th POP Webinar -- Parallel I/O Profiling Using Darshan
This live webinar will give an introduction to parallel storage/file systems, discuss parallel I/O models available for MPI codes, provide programming hints and tips on how to efficiently write I/O for MPI codes, and introduce the Darshan profiling tool, including a live demo.
- 13 December 2017
POP @ CIUK Conference
Learn more about "Not Only Fortran and MPI: The Performance Optimisation and Productivity Centre of Excellence's View of HPC Software in Europe" at the CIUK conference in Manchester, UK.
- 11-14 December 2017
[CANCELED] POP + EoCoE Open hands-on workshop on HPC benchmarking and performance analysis
The two centres of excellence in computer application EoCoE and POP will join forces once more to hold a hands-on workshop on HPC benchmarking and performance analysis at Maison de la Simulation near Paris.
- 6-7 November 2017
POP @ International CAE Conference
The International CAE Conference (6th-7th November in Vicenza, Italy) is the principal conference in the area of simulation based engineering and science.
- 11 October 2017
3rd POP Webinar -- Understand the Performance of your Application with just Three Numbers
This live webinar will discuss whether it is possible to compute a very limited number of metrics for a parallel MPI application that explain its behaviour in terms of fundamental properties.
- 3 August 2017
2nd POP Webinar -- Getting Performance from OpenMP Programs on NUMA Architectures
This live webinar will discuss the approaches to getting the best performance from OpenMP applications on NUMA machines. We will motivate this talk with practical examples showing best practices.
- June 2017
POP @ Teratec Forum 2017
POP is taking part in the European Research Cafe on June 27 and 28, 2017 as part of the Teratec Forum.
- 20 June 2017
POP @ ISC 2017
Come to our POP BoF at ISC 2017 or visit our experts at the research booths of BSC (#A-1412), NAG (#J-616) or JSC/HLRS (B-1310).
- 15 June 2017
1st POP Webinar -- How to Improve the Performance of Parallel Codes
This 30-minute live webinar will discuss how to improve the performance of parallel codes. We will present a systematic approach to optimising these codes, while pointing out the various factors that should be considered. We will illustrate the talk with practical examples involving real codes.
- 19 May 2017
POP User Forum @ European HPC Summit Week 2017
Next POP User Forum at Barcelona, Spain on May 19, 2017 in conjunction with European HPC Summit Week 2017. Register HERE!
- Apr 2017
POP collaborates again with EoCoE
3rd EoCoE / POP Workshop on Benchmarking and Performance Analysis at Barcelona, Spain April 24 to 27, 2017.
- Feb 2017
POP Tutorial @ Southampton
Joint POP - VIHPS tutorial at Southampton, UK (with support of EPCC-PATC) on February 8 to 10, 2017.
- Dec 2016
POP Tutorial @ Ostrava
POP will provide a performance optimization and productivity tutorial at IT4I in Ostrava, Czech Republic on December 14 to 15, 2016.
- Nov 2016
POP @ SC 2016
Visit our experts at the research booths of BSC (#2511), HLRS (#1743), JSC (#2413) or NAG (#1522) or get information at the shared EXDCI/PRACE booth (#3000)
- Oct 2016
POP Twitter Feed Finally Active
Follow our tweets at @POP_HPC.
- Sep 2016
POP LinkedIn Group Created
In order to provide a user forum for discussing POP services and parallel performance tools and methods in general, a LinkedIn group was created.
- Sep 2016
POP @ RSE 2016
POP represented by NAG will participate in the 1st Conference of Research Software Engineers on September 15 and 16, 2016 in the UK.
- Jul 2016
POP @ HPCS 2016
POP represented by NAG will participate in the 2016 International Conference on High Performance Computing & Simulation on July 18 to 22, 2016 in Austria.
- Jun 2016
POP @ Teratec Forum
POP represented by BSC and NAG will participate in the Teratec Forum on June 28 and 29, 2016 in France.
- Jun 2016
POP @ ISC 2016
Come to our POP BoF at ISC 2016 or visit our experts at the research booths of BSC (#1202), NAG (#518) or JSC/HLRS (1310).
- May 2016
POP collaborates again with EoCoE
2nd EoCoE / POP Workshop on Benchmarking and Performance Analysis at Maison de la Simulation, Saclay, France May 30 to Jun 02, 2016.
- May 2016
POP @ PRACEdays16
POP will present our CoE with posters and a presentation at the EXDCI Workshop of the European HPC Summit week @ PRACEdays16.
- Dec 2015
POP collaborates with EoCoE
1st EoCoE / POP Workshop on Benchmarking and Performance Analysis at Jülich Supercomputing Centre, December 8 to 11, 2015.
- Nov 2015
POP @ SC 2015
Visit our experts at the research booths of BSC (#241), HLRS (#343), JSC (#233) or NAG (#1619).
- Nov 2015
The online POP service form is now available!
Use the Request Service Form to ask for a POP service and we will contact you back.
- Oct 2015
Project started on October 1st!