29th POP Webinar - Assessing CPU Code Quality

Tuesday, 22 October 2024, 15:00 CEST

Code quality is essential for getting high performance: for various reasons (including poor performance models, lack of adequate transformations, and limited analysis capabilities) compilers are often producing suboptimal codes, which can significantly hurt performance. MAQAO is a performance analysis framework offering features designed for assessing CPU (X86 and ARM) code quality, detecting potential compiler “mistakes” and suggesting workarounds (inserting compiler flags, rewriting loops, ...).

In this webinar, we will first demonstrate MAQAO capabilities to assess code quality and detail strategies to make comparative studies between different compilers and compiler settings. Then we will show how these comparative studies can be used to “transfer” optimizations between compilers. These MAQAO capabilities will be illustrated through real code examples.


About the Presenter

William Jalby is a full Professor at University of Versailles Saint Quentin en Yvelines. His research interests are focusing on memory system analysis and optimization, compilers and parallelism. Most of his research has been carried out in close collaboration with hardware suppliers (Fujitsu, Bull and INTEL), tools developers (JSC, TUD, University of Oregon, CAPS Entreprise) and application developers both from research (CEA, EDF, CNRS) and Industry (ESI, MAGMAsoft, Dassault, GNS, RECOM, CERFACS…). In 2010, he got appointed as CTO of the Exascale Computing Research Lab (a joined HPC laboratory founded by CEA, INTEL and UVSQ) and he is leading ECR research activities. He has authored over 100 technical publications in international journals and conferences and directed over 35 PhD Theses.