12th POP User Webinar - The Successful Interaction of ChEESE and POP

A Cross-Collaboration of CoEs

Tuesday 12 November 2019 14:00hrs GMT / 15:00hrs CET

The ChEESE CoE is a new initiative to integrate HPC and data across Solid Earth related disciplines in Europe. One of its main goals is to prepare ten flagship codes for exascale environments. These codes cover fields of study highly relevant for urgent computing, probabilistic hazard assessment and data science, such as computational seismology, magnetohydrodynamics, physical volcanology, and tsunami modeling.

POP conducted performance assessments of all these codes at the start of the project and will do so again at the end. We will look in more detail at one of these, a physical volcanology code called Fall3D and will explain how work conducted within ChEESE, aided by insights provided by the POP assessment, has led to a 10x improvement in scalability in a fairly short period of time.

Simulation of the Eyjafjallajökull volcanic ash clouds using the Fall3d model


About the Presenters

Claudia Rosas has been a Post Doc in the Computer Applications for Science and Engineering department of Barcelona Supercomputing Center since 2016, with about 10 years’ experience in software engineering and performance analysis and optimization.


Mauricio Hanzich leads the Software Development group at the Computer Applications for Science and Engineering department of Barcelona Supercomputing Center. His main focus is software research and development for the oil industry, with broad experience in the development of HPC software for the whole stack, from the hardware to the application level.