
This year, again, the Teratec Forum took
Over 20 interested people attended our second POP BoF (Birds-of-Feather) session during the ISC 2
POP’s first live webinar tackled the subject of how to improve the performance of parallel codes.
About 25 participants came to our
In a joint effort, the two centres of excellence EoCoE and PoP have once again hold a hands-on wo
From 8 to 10 February, POP provided instructors from BSC, JSC and NAG for the
On December 14 - 15 POP partners from BSC, JSC and RWTH gave a tutorial about performance analysi
I recently attended
I recently gave a presentation on POP at the 17th Workshop on High Performance Computing in Meteo
As a member of the Performance, Optimisation and Productivity (POP) service I recently attended t
