Thursday, May 16, 2024

From May 12 to 16, 2024, POP experts participated in the ISC High Performance 2024 conference in sunny and beautiful Hamburg, Germany. The International Supercomputing Conference attracted over 3,400 participants from all over the world and features a full conference program with an attached tutorial before and a workshop day after the conference, and includes also a research and industry exhibit with over 50 booths.

On May 12, various POP experts contributed to the ISC tutorials program. Joachim Jenke (RWTH) was a speaker in the “Continuous Correctness Checking for HPC Applications” tutorial. Participants learned how to debug their codes using compiler-based tools like LLVM sanitizers, Archer for OpenMP data-race detection, and MUST for MPI+OpenMP runtime correctness, and could discover how to integrate these tools into continuous integration on GitHub and GitLab. Hands-on examples guided them through applying these tools to example codes.

Marta Garcia-Gasulla and Sandra Mendez from BSC and Brian Wylie and Anke Visser from JSC organized the “Determining Parallel Application Execution Efficiency and Scaling using the POP Methodology” tutorial. This tutorial presented the methodology developed and applied over several years within the POP CoE. Its focus is the hierarchy of execution efficiency and scaling metrics that identify the most critical issues and quantify potential benefits of remedies. The metrics can be readily compared and determined by a variety of tools for applications in any language employing standard MPI, OpenMP/OpenACC and other multi-threading and offload paradigms.

During the main days of the conference, May 13 to 15, POP experts were readily available at the research exhibition booths of the POP members BSC (#L30), IT4I (#J22) or JSC/HLRS (#K02). POP was also presented at the EuroHPC JU booth, where Bernd Mohr (JSC) presented a a short introdcution of the POP CoE.

Finally, on May 16, POP organized the workshop “First International Workshop on Readiness of HPC Extreme-scale Applications”. This ISC workshop has been organised to provide a forum to consider common challenges, ideas, solutions, and opportunities from the point of view of HPC applications developers preparing for exa-scale. After a welcome from the organizers Marta Garcia-Gasulla (BSC) and Brian Wylie (JSC) as well as from the EuroHPC JU representive Mladen Skelin, the workshop features four presentations from other European CoEs and projects. The highlight of the workshop was the Keynote: “The Exascale Computing Project: Outcomes and Lessons Learned” presented by Lois Curfman McInnes (ANL). The workshop closed with a panel discussion with European HPC applications CoEs moderated by Guy Lonsdale (scapos/D). More details about the program as well as the slides presented can be found on the workshop homepage.
