POPCast #2: The User Perspective

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

We are pleased to announce the release of our second POPCast, the interviews which shine a light on what we do, how we do it and all the benefits that can be brought to your parallel code. View the POPCasts on the POP YouTube Channel here.

This POPCast provides an interesting insight from a user’s perspective. Our regular host Fouzhan Hosseini (HPC Application Analyst) chats to Ania Brown, Research Software Engineer at Oxford e-Research Centre. Ania has been working on the GS2 code for simulating turbulence in plasma. There was an urgent need to further improve scaling for simulating larger experimental systems than they currently had. Ania discusses the process by which POP assisted, from the initial reporting; the training provided for the tools; through to the final successful delivery. 

Look out for POPCast #3 on the 26th May.
