POP @ 43rd VI-HPS Tuning Workshop

Thursday, February 1, 2024

Instructors from the POP partners JSC and UVSQ supported the 43rd VI-HPS Tuning Workshop, which took place at the CALMIP Mesocentre in Toulouse, France, from January 29th to February 1st.

During the workshop, participants had the opportunity to test the tools on the Turpan platform, which includes ARM compute nodes and NVidia GPU accelerators. Notably, this was the first live VI-HPS Tuning Workshop since 2020, as all previous workshops had been conducted online due to the COVID pandemic. The event was attended by 12 participants from various European universities and laboratories.

The overall feedback from the participants has been positive, both in terms of the workshop organisation and the usefulness of the tools presented for their own code development.
