Questionnaire on user needs

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Performance Service

1. Introduction

The objective of this questionnaire is to get a first overall description of the practices, perceived performance issues and needs. With this information, we will prepare an action plan with the suggested first steps and methodology of the service that we propose to you towards an in-depth analysis quantifying the causes of possible performance issues and suggesting ways to address them.
If you have different operation conditions for the same code (used in a fundamentally different physical problem, platforms, execution mode or setups), please fill one questionnaire for each of them.
Questions in Section I are optional.
2. Questions (additional to previous questionnaire)
2.2 Type of current system
2.3 Describe current development and production runs
2.3.1 Production run
2.3.2 Development test case
If you answered Yes in the previous question:
3. Section I. Additional Information

Here we can collect specific details about the user, the program, the current (or target) platform used (to be used) to run the code, set up for typical production runs and additional information about previous analyses.
This information is not mandatory to decide who will do the analysis. It can be filled offline by the user or by the responsible of the analysis.

3.1 Code
3.2 Platform
3.2.2 Additional characteristics of the system
3.3 Production runs